Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ultime da Phoenix

Carissimi Amici,
Un saluto da Phoenix Arizona da parte del Comitato Catania Phoenix Sister Cities.
Proprio oggi una ricorrenza importante,un anno fa si esibiva per la prima volta il Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini,ricordiamo caramente gli amici e l’Ente Teatro che hanno reso possibile questo grande progetto. Ricordiamo altresi che in contemporanea si apriva una mostra di costumi della collezzione del Teatro Belliniano,mostra tenutasi nell’aerostazione di Phoenix in un area con un notevole flusso di passeggeri.
Ma passiamo ad oggi; In porto finalmente lo scambio fotografico TEOE, “Thru Each Other Eyes” visto con gli occhi degli altri.La mostra apre il 6 di questo mese fino all’ 11.Si ringrazia la fondazione “Libreria Prampolini “ nella persona del Dottor Luigi Calabrese e del Fotografo professionista Riccardo Lombardo che hanno realizzato questo progetto con uno stile impeccabile. La mostra ha come sede il prestigioso monastero dei Benedittini oggi facolta’ di lettere;sara' presente a Catania per collaborare e presenziare alla mostra stessa, Errol Zimmerman,uno dei fondatori dell’organizzazione TEOE.
Cogliamo l’occasione per condividere con gli Amici di Catania che proprio oggi 5 di Ottobre 2008, il Comitato Catania con la collaborazione di altre Organizzazioni no profit,mette in scena una voce nuova nel campo della musica leggera.Un Cantante oriundo Catanese,Alfio Bonanno,oggi cittadino Australiano si esibisce a Phoenix per la prima volta. Per maggiori informazioni visitare il sito di Alfio . Una notevole operazione di marketing copre questo evento,il Comitato si augura che Alfio possa esibirsi nuovamente a Phoenix gia’ con il nuovo anno. Il Sito della Citta' di Phoenix.
Continuiamo a riconoscere l’importante e generosa collaborazione gia’ da lungo tempo di Salvo Vazzana fondatore dei siti e Salvo collabora nella propagazione di notizie riguardanti I lavori circa il Gemellaggio di Catania e Phoenix.
Ci congratuliamo con l’Istituto Tuttolingue per il successo avuto nel progetto exchange students, per maggiori informazioni visitate il sito di Tuttolingue Il programma student exchange a cui la Citta' di Catania partecipa attraverso l'Istituto Tuttolingue continua a ricevere riconoscimenti per risultati eccezzionali ottenuti.
Saluti da Phoenix Arizona
Rosario Strano

Trip to Sicily By Paula Cullison

Babilonia Italian Language School by Paula (Giangreco) Cullison August 12, 2008

Babilonia Italian Language School in Taormina set the stage for my one month stay in Sicily.
Of Sicilian heritage, I have always wanted to immerse myself in the culture of my ancestors.
The longstanding success of Babilonia made it an excellent choice. I now wish I had stayed longer
in Taormina, the Pearl of eastern Sicily. This year Babilonia was selected as one of the Four Star Italian Language Schools for foreigners. The award was noted in Language Travel Magazine.

The school offers an array of classes in addition to the language sessions. One can take pottery and cooking classes or go diving and hiking while at Babilonia. Special trips are also organized for students who come from all over the world. Babilonia is now offering special language and activities classes for adults over the age of 50 though its annual 50+Plus program which has proven to be a successful addition. Moreover, Babilonia has established academic relationships with numerous universities for the Study Abroad program.

The skilled instructors can assess a student's ability level through comprehensive written and oral conversation exams which are administered on the first day of class. So, no time is wasted in the process of assigning classes which have an average of 8 students; thus allowing each student adequate time for involvement and participation. The class day is divided in two: grammar and conversation with a coffee/cappuccino break in between. The school is housed in an old villa and has an open air patio – a lovely setting for relaxation and conversation. The cheerful welcoming atmosphere of the school was a huge plus. Additionally, computers are available for internet and report writing. The staff helps students with accommodation choices: one can live with a family, or stay in a local hotel or apartment.

It is easy to get distracted in Taormina, one of the most charming cities in Sicily. Magnificent views of the sea are from everywhere in this ancient hillside city built by the Greeks. Walks through the pedestrian only main streets and piazzas are most enjoyable. On Sundays and in the evenings, one can see how Taormina is just a big small town, as everyone greets each other. It is also apparent that the locals are very fashion conscious and like to get dressed up when the do their evening stroll (passagiata). Too cool!

During my stay, the 54th annual weeklong Taormina Film Festival was being held. All featured films and awards were presented each evening in the open-air Teatro Greco dating back about 2,000 years. It was a magical time for sure.

A day's outing brought me to Mount Etna, Europe's largest active volcano. After a bus, funivia and four
wheel van ride, we reached the highest allowable area and then hiked for about 40 minutes. It was an amazing experience. Fortunately, it was a quiet day (no eruptions). I felt the ground and it was warm.

Nearby is Naxos, the oldest Greek settlement in Sicily. And of course there are endless beach
possibilities, as Sicily is blessed with a great coastline. Low cost airfare from major European cities has made it affordable for international travelers to discover Sicily. Assured of sunny days and a vacation by the sea, Europeans are now enjoying the warmth and hospitality of the Sicilian people.

Sicily, the largest region in Italy has been invaded over the centuries by the Normans, Arabs, French, Spaniards and Germans. Sicilians pride themselves on their ability to survive and incorporate into their culture the best from each of their oppressors (eg. Cous Cous is on many restaurant menus). Sicily is beginning to thrive economically from this new wave of invasion; namely, the tourists.

For more information visit: or e-mail Tel/Fax (+39) 0942.23441
Links: and
For questions on the Study Abroad program e-mail:
Blog: School Address: Via del Ginnasio, 20 Taormina, Sicily 98039

Paula Giangreco Cullison e-mail: Tel: 011-602-863-9744
Address: 13058 N. Surrey Circle Phoenix, Arizona (AZ) 85029-1830