Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tanti Auguri di Buone Feste

E d e’ certo con un bilancio piu’ che positivo che ci accingiamo a chiudere l’anno,per le attivita’ portate avanti, per le nuove idee e sopratutto per i nuovi amici che si sono avvicinati alla nostra organizzazione. Il gemellaggio per noi e’ cosa molto seria, e’ un link che portera’ con il tempo risultati positivi per entrambe le citta’, siamo altresi convinti che molto rimane da fare.

Cogliamo l’occasione per fare sentiti Auguri di Buone Feste al Signor Sindaco della Citta’ di Catania il Dottor Raffaele Stancanelli e Tutta l’amministrazione in particolar modo salutiamo l’ Assessore allo Sport,Turismo e Dottor Antonio Scalia. Ancora Auguri e saluti affettuosi e tanti ringraziamenti a tutti gli amici a Catania che hanno cosi seriamente appoggiato e supportato le attivita’ del gemellaggio, senza ombra di dubbio cari amici avete dimostrato di essere dei veri paladini del volontariato.

Per chiudere desidero aggiungere che per coloro che desiderassero mettersi in contatto con una qualsiasi organizzazione presente nella Citta’ di Phoenix possono certamente scrivere a me ,saro’ felice di poter essere di aiuto e di fare da tramite, Buone Feste da parte del Comitato Catania Phoenix Sister Cities!

Buone Feste,

Rosario Strano

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ultime da Phoenix

Carissimi Amici,
Un saluto da Phoenix Arizona da parte del Comitato Catania Phoenix Sister Cities.
Proprio oggi una ricorrenza importante,un anno fa si esibiva per la prima volta il Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini,ricordiamo caramente gli amici e l’Ente Teatro che hanno reso possibile questo grande progetto. Ricordiamo altresi che in contemporanea si apriva una mostra di costumi della collezzione del Teatro Belliniano,mostra tenutasi nell’aerostazione di Phoenix in un area con un notevole flusso di passeggeri.
Ma passiamo ad oggi; In porto finalmente lo scambio fotografico TEOE, “Thru Each Other Eyes” visto con gli occhi degli altri.La mostra apre il 6 di questo mese fino all’ 11.Si ringrazia la fondazione “Libreria Prampolini “ nella persona del Dottor Luigi Calabrese e del Fotografo professionista Riccardo Lombardo che hanno realizzato questo progetto con uno stile impeccabile. La mostra ha come sede il prestigioso monastero dei Benedittini oggi facolta’ di lettere;sara' presente a Catania per collaborare e presenziare alla mostra stessa, Errol Zimmerman,uno dei fondatori dell’organizzazione TEOE.
Cogliamo l’occasione per condividere con gli Amici di Catania che proprio oggi 5 di Ottobre 2008, il Comitato Catania con la collaborazione di altre Organizzazioni no profit,mette in scena una voce nuova nel campo della musica leggera.Un Cantante oriundo Catanese,Alfio Bonanno,oggi cittadino Australiano si esibisce a Phoenix per la prima volta. Per maggiori informazioni visitare il sito di Alfio . Una notevole operazione di marketing copre questo evento,il Comitato si augura che Alfio possa esibirsi nuovamente a Phoenix gia’ con il nuovo anno. Il Sito della Citta' di Phoenix.
Continuiamo a riconoscere l’importante e generosa collaborazione gia’ da lungo tempo di Salvo Vazzana fondatore dei siti e Salvo collabora nella propagazione di notizie riguardanti I lavori circa il Gemellaggio di Catania e Phoenix.
Ci congratuliamo con l’Istituto Tuttolingue per il successo avuto nel progetto exchange students, per maggiori informazioni visitate il sito di Tuttolingue Il programma student exchange a cui la Citta' di Catania partecipa attraverso l'Istituto Tuttolingue continua a ricevere riconoscimenti per risultati eccezzionali ottenuti.
Saluti da Phoenix Arizona
Rosario Strano

Trip to Sicily By Paula Cullison

Babilonia Italian Language School by Paula (Giangreco) Cullison August 12, 2008

Babilonia Italian Language School in Taormina set the stage for my one month stay in Sicily.
Of Sicilian heritage, I have always wanted to immerse myself in the culture of my ancestors.
The longstanding success of Babilonia made it an excellent choice. I now wish I had stayed longer
in Taormina, the Pearl of eastern Sicily. This year Babilonia was selected as one of the Four Star Italian Language Schools for foreigners. The award was noted in Language Travel Magazine.

The school offers an array of classes in addition to the language sessions. One can take pottery and cooking classes or go diving and hiking while at Babilonia. Special trips are also organized for students who come from all over the world. Babilonia is now offering special language and activities classes for adults over the age of 50 though its annual 50+Plus program which has proven to be a successful addition. Moreover, Babilonia has established academic relationships with numerous universities for the Study Abroad program.

The skilled instructors can assess a student's ability level through comprehensive written and oral conversation exams which are administered on the first day of class. So, no time is wasted in the process of assigning classes which have an average of 8 students; thus allowing each student adequate time for involvement and participation. The class day is divided in two: grammar and conversation with a coffee/cappuccino break in between. The school is housed in an old villa and has an open air patio – a lovely setting for relaxation and conversation. The cheerful welcoming atmosphere of the school was a huge plus. Additionally, computers are available for internet and report writing. The staff helps students with accommodation choices: one can live with a family, or stay in a local hotel or apartment.

It is easy to get distracted in Taormina, one of the most charming cities in Sicily. Magnificent views of the sea are from everywhere in this ancient hillside city built by the Greeks. Walks through the pedestrian only main streets and piazzas are most enjoyable. On Sundays and in the evenings, one can see how Taormina is just a big small town, as everyone greets each other. It is also apparent that the locals are very fashion conscious and like to get dressed up when the do their evening stroll (passagiata). Too cool!

During my stay, the 54th annual weeklong Taormina Film Festival was being held. All featured films and awards were presented each evening in the open-air Teatro Greco dating back about 2,000 years. It was a magical time for sure.

A day's outing brought me to Mount Etna, Europe's largest active volcano. After a bus, funivia and four
wheel van ride, we reached the highest allowable area and then hiked for about 40 minutes. It was an amazing experience. Fortunately, it was a quiet day (no eruptions). I felt the ground and it was warm.

Nearby is Naxos, the oldest Greek settlement in Sicily. And of course there are endless beach
possibilities, as Sicily is blessed with a great coastline. Low cost airfare from major European cities has made it affordable for international travelers to discover Sicily. Assured of sunny days and a vacation by the sea, Europeans are now enjoying the warmth and hospitality of the Sicilian people.

Sicily, the largest region in Italy has been invaded over the centuries by the Normans, Arabs, French, Spaniards and Germans. Sicilians pride themselves on their ability to survive and incorporate into their culture the best from each of their oppressors (eg. Cous Cous is on many restaurant menus). Sicily is beginning to thrive economically from this new wave of invasion; namely, the tourists.

For more information visit: or e-mail Tel/Fax (+39) 0942.23441
Links: and
For questions on the Study Abroad program e-mail:
Blog: School Address: Via del Ginnasio, 20 Taormina, Sicily 98039

Paula Giangreco Cullison e-mail: Tel: 011-602-863-9744
Address: 13058 N. Surrey Circle Phoenix, Arizona (AZ) 85029-1830

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Membro del Comitato Catania Phoenix Sister Cities incontra il nuovo Sindaco di Catania.

Alessia Mogavero, una giovane imprenditrice residente in Arizona ma originaria di Catania ha incontrato il nuovo Sindaco Eletto delle Citta’ di Catania il Senatore Raffaele Stancanelli. Alessia, ambasciatrice per conto del Comitato Catania Phoenix Sister Cities ha presentato il lavoro del Comitato e gli obiettivi che si prefigge sottolineando l’importanza di rafforzare il gemellaggio con revisioni periodiche da entrambi le parti.Tra I progetti imminenti rappresentati al Signor Sindaco la mostra fotografica da Parte di TEOE ed il concerto di Alfio,stella nascente nel mondo della musica,per maggiori informazioni visitare il sito Il concerto che si terra’ a Phoenix, Arizona il 5 di Ottobre, data che fra l’altro segna l’importante anniversario della presenza in esclusiva di una rappresentanza del Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini.

Catania Committee Phoenix Sister Cities e’ un’organizzazione apolitica e no profit, gli scopi e gli obiettivi dell’organizzazione sono diretti a facilitare occasioni culturali ed opportunita’per scambi tra le due aree geografiche gemellate, per maggiori informazioni scrivere a o visitare il sito di Phoenix Sister Cities


Rosario Strano



Saturday, September 13, 2008

Premiere of Alfio in Phoenix on October 5th 2008

The Italian American Tribute


“This album is a legacy to the contribution that these great artists have made to our lives

and a way for me to keep their memory alive as I rewind the classics of yesterday

 and bring them back to you today.” – ALFIO


Highly charismatic with a devil-may-care attitude, Sydney native ALFIO is reminiscent of a young Dean Martin. With his old-world charm and his confident swagger, ALFIO offers a refreshingly cool and modern throwback to the crooners to which he is often compared.

While studying voice in Parma, Italy, ALFIO was on the road to becoming a tenor, but the constraints of that particular musical track clashed with his strong desire to sing contemporary and classic songs.  As a result, ALFIO strayed slightly from becoming a tenor to become what he jokingly calls a “nine-and-a-halfer.”

Following tours in the US, Europe, and Asia, as well as the success of his previous album, Tranquillità, released by Warner Music Australia, ALFIO is back with a new album, Classic Rewinds, paying tribute to the artists who influenced ALFIO and his passion for music. The 15 Italian American artists recognized on this album are reminiscent of ALFIO’s connection to Italian life outside of Italy. Classic Rewinds includes classic songs from Mario Lanza, Perry Como, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Frankie Valli, Bon Jovi, and more. Songs like “Papa Loves Mambo” and “Buona Sera” set the stage for a fun, feel-good collection, while tracks like “Where Do I Begin” and “The Impossible Dream” showcase ALFIO’s vocal range from soft timbre to full bravado; and a modern classic like Bon Jovi’s “Always” adds an element of mainstream sensibility for contemporary fans around the world. 

Considered one of the great voices in contemporary music today, ALFIO is also an accomplished musician and songwriter. In addition to paying tribute to the classics as the album’s title suggests, Classic Rewinds also includes a few ALFIO originals such as “Voce Pura” written for Luciano Pavarotti. After meeting and dining with Pavarotti in late 2005, ALFIO penned this loving tribute to the Maestro and sent it to him early last year.


Whether sitting solo at the piano, backed by a band or an orchestra, or singing a cappella, ALFIO believes in connecting with his audience. An album like Classic Rewinds affords ALFIO and his audience the opportunity to celebrate songs they both know and love: “Singing your own songs is great, but watching your audience sing and clap along to the songs we all know and love is something that many artists have embraced. I love singing the classics.” – ALFIO.


One of ALFIO’s most appealing qualities in both his music and his life is his ability to entwine generations. This album is a testament to that and speaks to the sentiment for all generations to move forward while not forgetting to appreciate a classic rewind.



Nina Bueti

Magic Beam Entertainment

Tel: +1.917.660.5757



Thru Each Other's Eyes

Visto con l'ottica degli altri,"Thru Each Other's Eyes"  (TEOE) è una organizzazione non-profit dedicata alla promozione di culture e tradizioni a livello  internazionale attraverso l'arte della fotografia e l'istruzione. Negli ultimi 20 anni,  TEOE  ha sponsorizzato 30  scambi / mostre   fotografiche  internazionali che  hanno   coinvolto   più di 85 fotografi provenienti da nove paesi su tre continenti. 

Con l'assistenza di fotografi professionisti che  donano volontariamente il loro tempo, e  agli sponsor  che intervengono con  risorse finanziarie, TEOE invia due fotografi da Phoenix, Arizona,  per rappresentare l'organizzazione e presentare la mostra.L'oggetto della mostra: 80 foto riprese dai fotografi Arizoniani durande un viaggio di lavoro a Catania.Tutti i fotografi appartenenti a questa organizzazione collaborano tra di loro per minimizzare costi.
L'ospitalita' reciproca e' fatto di norma e permette che dei veri e propri servizi fotografici di altissimo livello possano essere portati a termine con costi contenuti,l'oggetto principale dei fotografi sono paesaggi e cultura dei paesi ospitanti. I due fotografi  provenienti da Phoenix  hanno a loro volta ospitato i colleghi di Catania quando una mostra di foto che rappresentava Phoenix  
La mostra a Catania pilotata dal fotografo professionista Riccardo Lombardo,sara' tenuta dal 6 all'11 del mese di Ottobre presso il Monastero dei Benedittini,oggi facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Universita' di Catania.La prestigiosa sede,fra l'altro scelta per altre mostre fotografiche, e' stata scelta in consonanza e collaborazione con la Fondazione Libreria Prampolini diretta dal Dottor Luigi Calabrese. Il Comitato Catania dell'Organizzazione Phoenix Sister Cities ha lavorato in stretta collaborazione con TEOE, per maggiori informazioni contattare 
Rick Gerrard, vice direttore di Phoenix Sister Cities o Riccardo Lombardo, , fotografo professionista esponente di TEOE nella citta' di Catania.


 Through Each Others Eyes (TEOE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international understanding and goodwill through the art of photography and education.  For the past 20 years, Through Each Others Eyes has sponsored 30 international photographic exchanges involving over 85 photographers from nine countries on three continents.


With the assistance of professional photographers who volunteer their time, and sponsors who donate in-kind and financial resources, TEOE sends two photographers from Phoenix, Arizona, to "home-stay" with two host photographers to other countries so that they may photograph the people, landscape and culture of the host country. The two Phoenix photographers then host their international counterparts as they photograph throughout Arizona. The results are 80-print photo exhibitions viewed in both Phoenix and the other city, viewed by tens of thousands of people at each exhibit.



Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Phoenix Sister Cities Wins International Awards


July 15, 2008
Phoenix Sister Cities Wins International Awards
The Sister Cities International organization in Washington, D.C., awarded the city of Phoenix its highest honor as the Best Overall Sister City Program in the U.S. for cities with a population of 500,000 or more. This is the seventh time in the past 13 years that Phoenix has won this award. The Phoenix Sister Cities program also received the Disability Advocacy Award.
Phoenix Sister Cities highlights include a new and improved Youth Ambassador Exchange Program; a significant increase in arts and culture projects including the second annual WorldFEST celebration promoting its 10 sister cities; the Vincenzo Bellini Opera project with Catania, Italy; a police training program for Hermosillo, Mexico; and economic development projects with Chengdu, China; Catania; and Calgary, Canada as well as trade missions with Calgary and Catania. The city of Phoenix competed in the large city category against cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle and Atlanta.
This year also marks the seventh time that Phoenix Sister Cities has won the Disability Advocacy award in the last 10 years. Phoenix Sister Cities’ commitment to disability awareness is exhibited through participation in several projects including the second annual International Competition for Artists with Disabilities and a brain trauma workshop presented to more than 80 therapists in Hermosillo.
For more information about the Phoenix Sister Cities Program, visit or call 602-534-3751.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Auguri di buona governance da parte del Comitato Catania della Citta' Gemellata Phoenix,Arizona,U.S.A.

Al Onorevole Sindaco di Catania Sen. Raffaele Stancanelli,
Alla Giunta Comunale della Citta’ di Catania-Preg. mi Consiglieri.

Phoenix, Arizona, 7 Luglio 2008

Oggetto: Auguri di Buona Governanza da parte del Comitato Catania della Vostra Citta’ Gemellata Phoenix, Arizona, Stati Uniti D’America Signor Sindaco, Onorevoli Consiglieri della Giunta della Citta’ di Catania,
Il Comitato Catania, facente parte integrante dell’organizzazione Phoenix Sister Cities, che cura e facilita relazioni tra le due citta’ gemellate Phoenix e Catania, desidera congratularsi ed augurarVi un buon lavoro alla guida della citta’ di Catania, quale punto di riferimento per la Sicilia e per il Mediterraneo.
Nello spirito e nell’ideale di instaurare e rafforzare i contatti diplomatici fra i cittadini italiani ed americani, il Comitato Catania Phoenix Sister Cities ha sviluppato, nel corso del tempo, diversi progetti che tengono a rafforzare le rispettive culture. Nell’anno 2007, il Comitato ha portato a termine il progetto di una breve ma intensa tournee’ del Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini, con ottimi risultati di pubblico e critica. Successivamente, ha coordinato una mostra di oltre sei mesi, Ottobre 2007- Giugno 2008, di Costumi appartenenti alla Collezione del Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini presso una delle aree piu’ frequenate dell’aerostazione di Phoenix.

Durante il mese di Aprile, ufficialmente dedicato ad eventi culturali italiani qui negli Stati Uniti D’America, il Comitato organizza una mostra intitolata World Fest, durante la quale ogni Citta’ Gemellata a Phoenix rappresenta con orgoglio le bellezze ed i poli di attrazione turistica presso appositi stand messi a disposizione dal Comitato. Migliaia di spettatori, negli ultimi tre anni, sono stati attratti dallo stand della Citta’di Catania, ricevendo brochures, dvd, libri e gadgets forniti generosamente dalla precedente Giunta Comunale della citta’.

Fiore all’occhiello del Comitato, inoltre, e’ il progetto Student Ambassador, che ha visto numerosi studenti catanesi venir ospitati da famiglie feniciane e poi pronti a ricambiare l’esperienza ospitando i nostri studenti americani, che puntualmente sono ritornati entusiasti dell’esperienza vissuta e degli splendidi luoghi siciliani visitati.

Lo scambio di studenti avviene solitamente nei mesi estivi e coinvolge da due a quattro studenti della Scuola Superiore, con la preziosa supervisione dell’Istituto Tuttolingue di Daniele e Nora Giuffrida, sito in Viale Vittorio Veneto a Catania. Proprio in questi giorni, gli studenti americani si trovano nella citta’ di Catania. Sarebbe un onore per loro, come anche per gli studenti catanesi che li ospitano, poter incontrare Voi, neo-Sindaco e neo-Consiglieri. Ovviamente, rispettando la Vostra agenda carica d’impegni importanti.

Per quanto riguarda l’anno lavorativo 2008/09, il nostro Comitato propone:

- Di poter portare a termine, nel mese di Ottobre 2008, una Expo Fotografica da parte dell’Organizzazione TEOE (, con la preziosa collaborazione del fotografo Riccardo Lombardo ed altri esponenti fotografi facenti parte dell’oganizzazione stessa. Una esposizione e’ gia’ stata ospitata, con enorme successo, qui a Phoenix nell’anno 2005. Quest’anno, grazie alla preziosa collaborazione del Sig. Lombardo e della Fondazione “Libreria Prampolini”, l’Universita’ di Catania ha accettato di prestare i locali del Monastero dei Benedittini dal 6 all’11 Ottobre 2008.

- Di invitare una delegazione scientifica che possa contribuire al Global Links, meeting internazionale organizzato da Phoenix Sister Cities. Nostro obiettivo e’ quello di promuovere una aggregazione scientifico-economica fra le due citta’ gemellate. Il meeting dovrebbe aver luogo nel mese di Maggio 2009 e comprendera’ anche le altre citta’ gemellate a Phoenix nel mondo.
Inoltre, e’ obiettivo continuo del Comitato quello di poter radicare dei protocolli di intesa tra l’Universita’ di Catania e la Arizona State University. A tale scopo, ci avvantaggiamo della preziosissima amicizia con l’emerito Professore Alberto Faro, il quale ci ha onorato di una visita nell’Aprile del 2007. Dotato di un forte senso dell’altruismo, il Prof. Faro ha portato a termine degli incontri strategici durante la sua permanenza a Phoenix, dunque contiamo di poter continuare in questa direzione e promuovere nuovi progetti.
In conclusione, il Comitato Catania si augura di poter intavolare regolari scambi di idee e di incontri, anche virtuali, con la nuova Amministrazione della Citta’ di Catania. Crediamo, infatti, fermamente che si possa dare l’avvio a concrete opportunita’ economiche, oltre a quelle culturali, a reciproco vantaggio per entrambe le citta’.
Augurando a Lei, Onorevole Signor Sindaco, e a Voi tutti, Preg.mi Membri della giunta Comunale, un ottimo lavoro, desideriamo porgere i nostri piu’ distinti saluti,

Rosario Strano per il Comitato Catania
Phoenix Sister Cities, Arizona U.S.A.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Catania and Phoenix are Sister Cities since 2001

Catania and Phoenix have been sister cities since 2001. At the time a number of protocols were signed a lot of hands were shaken, new horizons were created. Since then a number of delegations have visited, reciprocally, cultural, diplomatic, and economic. Space for growth is enormous; totally unexploited grounds, for both sides and for different reasons; one that come to mind is that fellow Americans are so enamored with anything that smells or sounds Tuscan that is they had a chance of what Sicily had to offer Tuscan would pale. Phoenix is the fifth largest City of the U.S.A. with projections of growth with very few equals in the continent. Catania a very large metropolis strategically located on the Ionian cost, founded by Greeks some 920 B.C. and has its own silicon valley. The two cities have lots of similarities,climate,though the Sicilian in more humid all year long, the landscape generally arid, though Catania being located in the vicinity of the Volcano enjoys a microclimate that allows unique growth of especially delicious with unique properties such as Oranges sanguinelle and Pistachios.
The Sister city with Phoenix was godfathered (or Godmothered) by the electronic giant STMicroelectronics.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


With a potential set date that could fall in the middle of October this could be the most visible event held in a prime location,the Monastero dei Benedittini of the University of Catania.This site has seen on a regular basis photo expo being held,this would have the prime introduction of faculty deans,more to come on this very soon!please visit

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Working trip to Catania January 2007

There we were, day 28th,2007 at 2:05 p.m. our luggage made it and having landed at Catania airport and chatting with a professional photographer that works with an international organization "Thru Each other's Eyes" Riccardo Lombardo, let's call this our first official meeting. Riccardo by now had become a long time friend and supporter of Phoenix Sister Cities, he and his wife were traveling to Cuba, he volunteered to share some latest news on the upcoming festivities of the Saint Patron of Catania, St. Agata, our transportation arrives and we are pressed to move on to the first of our appointments The Puppets Theatre, so on to Acireale one of the many little capitals of Baroque best kept architecture, site of one of the oldest schools of one original way that was the main source for entertainment in past items, The Pupi Siciliani-art recognized by Unesco as "Humanity's Patrimony" ,for the record, the entire town of Acireale will be annexed to this exclusive geographical denomination. Prior to the show we accidentally step into the museum of the puppets, and a willing curator tells us the story on Emmanuele Macri founder of the Pupi as well as showing differences of styles and details that make this a true artistic creativity Endeavour. We move on to the entrance of the Teatro, there we were expected by associate of Mr.Abbate, Mr. Scavo, Mr. Abbate being unable to be present for away for busyness, however Mr. Scavo was very eager to oblige and invited us to be the guests of the Teatro and enjoy the show. Which we did, albeit the tiredness was having the better part so after having enjoyed most of the show, excused ourselves to moved on to make a brief stop to greet my parents and brothers by making a small detour into a nearby village, after which we headed on to Catania, Hotel Novecento, our base for the following six days. Day 29th of January rushed towards us, the night was or felt indeed short, we have our first meeting with Assessore Dottor Maimone, councilman for the Cultural Heritage for the City of Catania, the Catania Committee has entertained good relations with the assessore and with the staff of his office in recent past, the office of the assessore has provided material for the world Fest that occurred in 2006.Dottor Maimone and all his staff were present to the meeting whereas we started to rely all the objectives that we were aiming at, Dottor Maimone was very interested and particularly so at the Vincenzo Bellini project. Dottor Maimone confirmed his interest and asked that his office be kept in the loop of the ongoing projects. On the same day at around 11:30 a.m. we meet Ignazio Monaco, vice administrative director of the Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini, please note that Maestro Monaco is actually a music professor. After many telephone calls this was my first time, the first time for everyone to meet this classy and generous individual, it should be known that that base plan for the Vincenzo Bellini project was modified by then a number of time from our part, the flexibility of Ignazio allowed our communication to proceed without ever having a hint of disappointment. While in Ignazio's office we square the day's meetings, we talk about the potential performance in October, we tie the date to the 5th of October as the best possible, at the time we allow ourselves a leeway space to move the date to a day before (the fourth) in the event that Arizona Opera might have a show on that particular day, we later find out that that was not the case, the 5th fits perfectly. More details we talk with Maestro Monaco are the involvement of the Divas in master classes to be held within the ASU campus, musical department, we also talk about the possibility of having them perform in two other Opera Houses in the South West U.S.A., we share with Ignazio our knowledge received thru the contact made with the Italian Cultural Center of Los Angeles, Signora Francesca Valente, we share with Ignazio our hopes to see this performance occurring in other cities also as a precursor of the larger event we would like to foster for the year 2010 with a wholesome presence of the Teatro staging a full scale of the most classical of Vincenzo Bellini creations" Norma " . We go over details repeated over and over, the names of the sopranos, the number of the maestri musicians, the narrator, the libretto, yes the libretto maybe to change with making the second half not a Vincenzo Bellini, this and more we talk until the time comes to call for a break, we adjourn but prior to parting Ignazio takes us to a brief tour of the Teatro and a true display of uniquity -The Foyer-area where a break with a drink and a gossip would be best enjoyed. We definitely take a needed pause and meet again later with Ignazio and Dottoressa Seminara. Graziella Seminara is a professor at the University of Catania, teaches music, she is also in charge and curator of the Museum Belliniano, one of our Committee objectives is to have a permanent expo of Vincenzo Bellini memorabilia along with the Teatro Costumes in the museum present within the Sky Harbor airport, Phoenix. The Dottoressa listens to our presentation, it should be know that Alessia Russo had already met with her and Ignazio, ( and other interested parties that I had already mentioned on previous matters) the fact that Alessia so graciously introduced our projects increased our likeliness of success upon our arrival, and as a result we receive a big nod of approval by Dottoressa Seminara, she does however require to know more about space availability and other details, we of course promise to follow up and end the meeting with closing the day with a given positive, we all grin so much the locals must think we are from elsewhere, and we are as a matter of fact, we are from America! Although we did no time ourselves, we likely totaled a good eight hours of meeting/talk/interacting that day, and it was going to get more intense as the days went on, we might have just been caught off guard!
Day 30th of January our first meeting was with Dottoressa Vincenza Tutino, head of the office of international relations of the University of Catania, a positive hand in mentoring this contact was provided by Professor Dottor Antonino Casabona whom stayed with us for most of the time while we were at the university grounds. But we are still on day 30th, and Dottoressa Tutino listens to our proposals and wishes to see the Universities of the twinned Cities of Catania and Phoenix undertake closer ties of cooperation and exchange and working together, she listens and than starts to talk without stopping for a good while, she explains the accordi quadro, drafted documents ready to be signed by both parties without need any further approval from the academic senate, she goes into details, and she definitely affirms that the University of Catania looks forward to establishing international cooperation with other universities, in the meantime our friends Antonino Casabona is there with us, he representing the faculty of Medicine, break time, we part with Dottoressa Tutino with an arriverderci to the day after ( 31 ) we meet with Ignazio and Dottor Antonino Ferro for a brief couple of hours, Dottor Ferro is the administrator of the Teatro Massimo, we go over the plan with him and are told that the following day we were to meet with the Superintendent the person in charge of all operations and of the Teatro itself, Dottor Munzone.We are still on day 30th and we are to meet with the head of the Chamber of commerce of Catania, Dottor Rosario Condorelli, we are punctual at our appointments ( also because of Ignazio's chaperoning us ) we enter this huge building that overlooks one of main street of Catania and proceed to the office of Dottor Condorelli. There we meet the commissioner for the Chamber Dottor Mannone. Again we go over our presentation, we express our desire and that of the Honorable Consul General Diego Brasioli to see an enograstronomic presentation occur in Phoenix and in the potentially other cities where the Musical performance were to present, we mention that our organization works in close ranks with other organizations, namely in this case the American Italian Chamber of commerce, and that one of the founders, Mary Anne Desmond is also a valid member of the Catania Committee. Both gentlemen advance ideas and ask questions on what best would have an impact on the economic area of Phoenix, realistically we defer the questions to better prepared institutions and promise we shall have them make contact with City of Phoenix Economic department as well as the American Italian Chamber of commerce, we end our visit by being toured in the building, impressive rooms. We face day 31st with a very busy schedule; we are meeting first with Nora and Daniele founders and owners of a private English School as well as tour operator that specializes in international travel for students. Our aim is to interest Nora and Daniele in becoming a reference/recruiting point for the student exchange program. We travel by taxi to their school, present our ideas, find them both very interested, we go over details as of what our student exchange entails, Nora and Daniele accept to cooperate, they understand that making a selection based on merit ( not only ) is also a way to motivate, we need to part, we set up a new appointment for the morning after, in the meantime we need to rush to the appointments set up by Dottoressa Tutino, we are meeting the Rector of the University of Catania, Antonino Recca, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Nunzio Crimi and the Dean of the Faculty Luigi Fortuna. It should be known that in the process of entering and exiting rooms and building we meet and are introduced to people and Vice Rectors and that I might be omitting relevant details but the list is rather long as it is. The Rector is very straightforward, He looks very pleased to be meeting with the delegation and his auspices are to see as soon as possible agreements under way and underwritten. The meeting with him ends and our Friend Antonino Casabona drives us to this faculty of Medicine, we meet professor Crimi, again he expresses an acute interest in seeking agreements with universities of Phoenix, Mr. Widener makes exemplary presentations of possibilities, unbinding of course, as all things said and done during all the meetings, we realized all along that our mission was explorative of possibilities. We end the meeting with Professor Crimi and his Associate and drive on to the faculty of engineering to meet with the dean Professor Luigi Fortuna. Professor Fortuna lists a number of agreements already running between his faculty and Universities in the U.S.A. and acknowledges the closeness to STMicroelectronics by citing a number of collaborative projects. He underscores the wish to work out a program with ASU and at the end of our visit with him arranges a ride and escort to take us to one of the modules of St. Microelectronics, where we receive a short tour and a presentation prepared by Dottor Luigi Occhipinti, we end our visit, need to head back for we have a meeting with Mr. Scavo, remember the first day? we meet again to define ideas, the first night we had not spoken much other than viewing the show, he tells us of past experiences, and that his company if not seeking a profit from all this and he understands that the promotions as a result would be very beneficial, we part with commitment to look into it further. .The day 1st of February had a number of meeting involving the office of Dottor Salvatore Zinna director of politiche comunitarie for the city of Catania, part of the meeting consisted a presentation made by professor Faro on the infrastructural development of the area of the Vulcano/metropolitan.On the same day we met with Salvo Vazzana, founder of two popular website, one that focuses on the technological and one that posts cultural news. Salvo was very receptive of our goals, and our meeting ended with positive note of cooperation. On same day we met with Roberto Faro owner of a Tour operator, Roberto was instrumental in making a valuable contact for us with the Azienda Provinciale Del Turismo in the person of Lorenzo Asero. On same day a professional translator was met, Letizia Musso, she offered to assists if the need arose. Following a meeting with Rosalba Papale an English teacher, she wishes to see a long term of exchanges happen for her school, we might just have what could be a perfect match and we part saying that we'll be in touch.
A key meeting occurs in the evening with Dottor Campo- Deputy Officer for the Region Sicilia for Cultural matters and in Charge of all museums, present to the meeting also Dottor Munzone Dottor Ferro, Ignazio and the four of us from the delegation. We make the presentation, our desire of having the permanent expo of Vincenzo Bellini memorabilia, costumes from the Teatro Massimo , and more we express our desire to have the puppets from the traditional Teatro Macri', at this point Dottor Campo offers to send the original puppets from the very founder Emmanuele, the Region Sicily had purchased them years ago, the offer of the puppets was not all that he had for us, he has a ready to go cartography 1400 1500 collection, three months notice is all that he needs, he also has a collection of painting of Volcano Etna paintings, again 1400, he inquired about the Phoenix Art museum and its possible involvement, we countered of involving the Italian Cultural Institute once the expo would be coming to and en here in the Phoenix Area, we would be asking for the cooperation of the Italian Cultural Institute to see if another location the a permanent expo were feasible. This meeting, again, was ending on a positive note.
The 2nd of February has one last mid morning meeting with Dottor Gelardi, he is the Sicilian government Cultural deputy minister, we do again our presentation, he is very thankful for our initiative, offers support and looks forward to a long lasting friendship, this was the last meeting. The above is a shorthand of meetings, it would have taken a lot more space to cover all the conversations, we run from one part of town to the next, however should be said that the suggestion of our friend Ignazio for us to make base at the Hotel Novecento proved vital for the Hotel is located very closely to the Teatro Massimo Vincenzo Bellini, and within walking distance to the Chamber of Commerce, the Office of politiche Comunitarie. In many cases we used the Hotel lobby for our meetings, all in all we could not have asked for more responsive audience; in fact we are now facing situations where they are ready to move on. With this I close this report that wants to be informal yet more informative of the human part of this trip, we as Catania Committee plan to bank on this and bring to fruition our goals,

Thursday, May 15, 2008

We the Catania Committee at the service of the Greater Good

It is a big sentence-we have however made good of it-all we have done has been to the best of knowledge to the service and enrichment of the general public,in the short life of the Committee,the relationship of the two cities has been made known to thousands of people augmenting the perception of what other cultures and opportunuties are out there.Much more needs to be done,this year presents itself with a rich and challenging program, we are ready and willing to take it on, we thank from the deep of our hear the generosity of our friends on Catania that allow time and resources to pursue these goals.

Let's make this a growing viable communication tool!

The number of projects,past present and future leave a lot to be said and exchanged-involve friends-give your input!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

our next meeting tobe held on hursday May 15th,2008

Dear Catania Committee Members, Dear Friends,

This to announce our next meeting to be held Thursday May 15th,2008 at the Arizona American Italian Club 7509 N. 12th St., Phoenix, AZ 85020 (602) 944-3090 at 4;30p.m. Please note that should you wish to stay after the meeting the Club has a food Buffet ( no host ) set up.

Please find attachments related to activities organized by Phoenix Sister Cities, support our organization Phoenix Sister Cities Corporation,
by means of sharing its news with friends,acquaintances and strangers as well.
1. Call to Order.
2. Welcome and Introductions
3.Approval of March 20th, 2008 meeting minutes. This minutes could not be approved for the last meeting was held informally.
4.At this meeting the election of the Chair and all the officers for the Catania Committee will have to take place-given the number of actions required we need to have a certain quorum, we also need to think ahead what each one of us is going to do,many responsibilities are on hand.Officers to be nominated & elected:( duties and or positions are not listed by order of importance ) I have also given a short description of what duties call for, this ( description ) is not mandated by Phoenix Sister Cities, it is merely from my limited experience.This is also the perfect time to think of new recruiting,we are just going to get busier, City of Phoenix International Business Development department has an ( international ) idea/plan and that is simply put, let's get our sister cities involved,for real and for good...! so this and much more will be rolled into a meeting after another.
Vice Chair-Must be able to take over Chair responsibilities

Secretary-with responsibility to keeping records and minutes-

Membership Representative-works to see membership application both corporate and individual

Youth & Education Representative-
Communicates with liaisons in Catania in regards to the Student Exchange program-Would be very ideal if we could see the making of a database of all the students that have participated to the YAEP.
Works and communicates with the Disability awareness committee

Economic development-Works to see projects approved by the Committee have a follow up-keeps communication flowing with all involved in a given project both here and overseas.

Public Relations-Communicates with webmaster-reviews agenda for meeting with Chair and posts it on online website ( Phoenix Sister Cities ) Keeps said website updated-has up-to-date info of City of Catania Officials as well as of the City of Phoenix.Coordinate with other committee members,seeks captive interest in order to attract potential new memberships,both corporate and individual.


5.Phoenix Sister Cities Commission has been selected as one of the finalist in the Be More Creative awards category! The winner for each category including the Non-Profit Organization of the Year will be announced at the Be More Awards luncheon and ceremony on Wednesday, May 14th at the Camelback Inn (5402 E. Lincoln Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85253). Hopefully we shall all be able to attend, however I fully understand the nature of priorities-
6.TEOE,"Thru Each Other's Eyes" Photographic expo-developments
7. Cultural activity to be held in the next fiscal year involving classical singers-updates
8.Global Links 2009 involving the participation of the City of Catania, involvement of Professor Alberto Faro and potentially Professor Giovanni -updates
10.Student exchange program, updates.
11. On-going campaign for corporate membership to Phoenix Sister Cities, all.
12. Future Meeting being June 19th.
13. Call to the Public.
14. Adjournment.
Thank you all for the very hard work, it is very much appreciated,
Sincere Regards,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Let's us pursue our goal

The relationship between Phoenix and Catania has grown, if an indicator of of its growth is the number of new friends that have been made in the process during its existence,we can certainly say that we have become a very large organization that spans in all fields,that involves private citizens and public officials alike, this very past year is a perfect example of generous cooperation that has occurred between volunteering and involvement of public officials.Phoenix and Catania are sister cities since the year 2001-a number of official delegations have travelled in both directions with the precise goal of strengthening this ties with the objective of having closer relations and seeing more special and defined goals with the aim of serving the greater good.Phoenix Sister Cites is a not for profit with the particular role of linking the city with the cities with whom has established formal relationship, my auspices are this blog become a meeting place for friends from Catania and Phoenix with the intent of giving more drive to all of the initiatives that Catania Committee is involved in as we as creating an archive of achieved and projects that have taken place, so my dear friends this space blogs to all of us,lets' make the best use out of it!